Our staff

You can find more detailed contact information in the Contacts section.

Bánovský JurajTheory of Knowledge
Boboš AlenaEnglish B
Carter AlecEnglish B, Writing, CAS, Class Teacher of 4. IBD-B
Deák RadoslavHistory
Ditte LenkaPsychology
Gonda MatejPhysics, IBD & EE Coordinator
Horváthová RenátaPhysical Education
Chalupková SoňaPhysics
Karácsonyová RenátaHeadmistress
Kindji PaulTheory of Knowledge, History
Kolníková BlankaEconomics, Class Teacher of 4.IBD-A
Kosper FrantišekMathematics, Administrator of the Nadácia Novohradská foundation
Lanátor ĽubomírBiology
Lindbloom TorEnglish B, English A Literature, Writing, CAS
Lomen DávidComputer Science
Lupták LukášPhysical education
Neuhold ErikMathematics
Oravec IgorChemistry
Pecková BeátaSlovak A Literature
Pizzitelli Deanna PatriciaEnglish B
Salíniová SoňaLibrarian
Shalnova ElenaRussian A Literature
Šimo JakubComputer Science
Špačeková AnnaChemistry, Class Teacher of 3. IBD-A
Varga TomášCAS Coordinator
Vašková MonikaGerman B
Vicenová AlenaSlovak A Literature
Záhorská AndreaSpanish B
Zorkócy DušanMathematics, Class Teacher of 3. IBD-B