You can find more detailed contact information in the Contacts section.
Name | Position |
Bánovský Juraj | Theory of Knowledge |
Boboš Alena | English B |
Carter Alec | English B, Writing, CAS, Class Teacher of 4. IBD-B |
Deák Radoslav | History |
Ditte Lenka | Psychology |
Gonda Matej | Physics, IBD & EE Coordinator |
Horváthová Renáta | Physical Education |
Chalupková Soňa | Physics |
Karácsonyová Renáta | Headmistress |
Kindji Paul | Theory of Knowledge, History |
Kolníková Blanka | Economics, Class Teacher of 4.IBD-A |
Kosper František | Mathematics, Administrator of the Nadácia Novohradská foundation |
Lanátor Ľubomír | Biology |
Lindbloom Tor | English B, English A Literature, Writing, CAS |
Lomen Dávid | Computer Science |
Lupták Lukáš | Physical education |
Neuhold Erik | Mathematics |
Oravec Igor | Chemistry |
Pecková Beáta | Slovak A Literature |
Pizzitelli Deanna Patricia | English B |
Salíniová Soňa | Librarian |
Shalnova Elena | Russian A Literature |
Šimo Jakub | Computer Science |
Špačeková Anna | Chemistry, Class Teacher of 3. IBD-A |
Varga Tomáš | CAS Coordinator |
Vašková Monika | German B |
Vicenová Alena | Slovak A Literature |
Záhorská Andrea | Spanish B |
Zorkócy Dušan | Mathematics, Class Teacher of 3. IBD-B |